Hello and welcome back again to the ThreeSpires Physiotherapy blog where we examine all things physiotherapy related. In this blog I thought we could return to looking at our physiotherapy service in Walsall, Bloxwich, Pelsall, Rushall and Walsall Wood. Specifically we will have a look at the neurological physiotherapy service that we offer in Walsall.

Occasionally, when chatting to patients who are considering having neurological physiotherapy in Walsall the first question I get is: "what is neurological physiotherapy?" This is a reasonable question and takes a bit of explanation. Personally I try to explain that neurological physiotherapy (often shortened to neuro physio) offers help to patients who have some form of neurological condition for example Multiple Sclerosis,or maybe they have had a stroke. Neurological physiotherapy is often "hands on" and the physiotherapist will be guiding the patient's movements and limbs in order to help the patient with their movement patterns. They will also work on independence and overall function. The neurological physiotherapy case study below may help illustrate what I mean:

Here our patient lives in the Walsall area and had a stroke. He had NHS physiotherapy in the past but unfortunately this has ceased and he has been left bed bound. The patient very much wants to be able to sit out and get into a chair rather than stay in bed all day. After booking an initial assessment our neurological physiotherapist conducted a full and detailed assessment at his home in Walsall, this looked at areas such as strength, posture, balance and movement patterns.All of this information was then combined by the physiotherapist and in conjunction with the patient was used to devise a treatment plan and set some goals. After this our neurological physiotherapist began visiting the patient to work on improving sitting balance, strengthen his legs and work on transferring from bed to chair with help. 

Here we have looked at a patient in Walsall with a stroke but our neurological physiotherapy service in Walsall and areas such as Pelsall, Walsall Wood, Rushall and Bloxwich can help patients with a variety of neurological conditions including: traumatic brain injury, recovery from brain surgery, stroke and Parkinson's Disease. Our physiotherapists deliver this neurological physiotherapy service in a range of settings including care and nursing homes and patients' own home in Walsall.

One of the things that we are enormously proud of here at ThreeSpires Physiotherapy is the great feedback and testimonials that we have from patients. If you want to see the fantastic feedback that our physiotherapists have then have a check of the section on our website under our testimonials section or if you prefer we have feedback available on our facebook page here and our google + page here.

For anyone reading: we are a home visit physiotherapy service, based in Lichfield but serving anywhere within a 20 minute drive including areas such as Sutton Coldfield, Tamworth, Cannock, Burton and Rugeley. We offer a wide range of services including paediatric physiotherapy, post-operative rehabilitation, neurological physiotherapy and neck and back pain relief. If you need further information or would like to book an appointment we can be contacted on 0788 428 1623 or via enquiries@threespiresphysiotherapy.co.uk


Just fill in the form below and give us a quick idea of your problem/request so that we can be better prepared to help you. 

Alternatively you can call us on:
07884 281623 or email us at

At ThreeSpires Physiotherapy we aim to provide the highest standard of physiotherapy in Staffordshire and the West Midlands. Our services are available 8 am - 7pm Monday to Friday. Call Us Today on 07884 281623

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