Hello and welcome back to the ThreeSpires Physiotherapy blog where we discuss and look at all things physiotherapy related. As a community physiotherapy service visiting a large area including Lichfield, Cannock, Rugeley, Walsall and Tamworth and helping patients with a wide range of neurological problems such as recovering from strokes we are always on the look out for useful resources or places that our patients can get extra help. Stroke clubs where people recovering from the effects of a stroke can meet, have a chat, do some exercises and socialise with people who have gone through the same or a similar experience are a brilliant thing and I am always keen to know where they are and how they can be accessed.
In this case a current patient of ours who had a stroke has been attending a stroke club in Cannock which she has really enjoyed and recommends. I have put a picture below of the leaflet that she gave me. If you are keen to attend or would like to know more information about this stroke club in Cannock then give them a call on the number on the leaflet.
If anyone reading this knows of any useful resources that they think might be of help to our patients then please do get in touch either via our email: enquiries@threespiresphysiotherapy.co.uk or on 0788 428 1623. We are always interested in knowing where there are community groups or exercise classes aimed at helping our patients.
Just fill in the form below and give us a quick idea of your problem/request so that we can be better prepared to help you.