Help for Multiple Sclerosis in Sutton Coldfield

Hello and welcome back to the ThreeSpires Physiotherapy blog where we take a look at all things physiotherapy and health related. Over the last few blogs we have been looking at the physiotherapy services that we provide in Sutton Coldfield and specifically in our last blog we looked at a serious neurological condition: strokes and the help that is available in Sutton Coldfield. So, I thought that it could be a good idea to continue in this theme and examine another neurological condition: Multiple Sclerosis (MS), what it is and the help available for anyone with MS in Sutton Coldfield. 

What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

So, first things first: what exactly is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? Well, Multiple Sclerosis is a relatively common but also incredibly disabling neurological condition that can affect people in a range of ways from mild weakness and reduction in co-ordination to a complete loss of mobility. 

Mutliple Sclerosis in Sutton ColdfieldIn patients with Multiple Sclerosis the insulating substance around nerves in the brain and spinal cord - myelin is progressively destroyed, this affects nerve signal transmission and causes a wide range of problems for patients including difficulties walking, weakness in muscles and loss of coordination.

What are the Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

The symptoms Multiple Sclerosis (MS) are extremely variable and can range from mild tingling and pins and needles to complete loss of mobility and difficulty with breathing. This is because Multiple Scerosis (MS) affects all of the nerves in the barin and spinal cord and the transmission of signals along them. Symptoms from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) will depend upon which nerves are affected and the level of damage to the nerves. Commonly symptoms will worsen and improve (relapse and remit) at times, with patients finding that for no clear reason they worsen and for a month or so and then slowly improve, again with little clear reason.

What Causes Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

The exact cause and underlying pathophysiology of MS remains unclear with many hypotheses being currently researched, certainly there are some geographic patterns (such as you are more likely to have MS the further from the equator you live) and it is thought that it is likely to be a combination of hereditary and environmental factors.

How is Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosed?

Intially diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis can be difficult as many of the symptoms that are the early stages could also be caused by many other pathologies and so initially it will often be a case of ruling out other more likely causes. However, generally a patient who suspects they have Multiple Sclerosis (MS) will most likely go to the GP possibly complaining of some weakness or strange tingling at which point the GP will likely order some blood tests and perform some examinations to check blood pressure and signs of an infection. If these come back clear then most likely the GP will refer the patient on to a neurologist to assess what could be the underlying cause. If the patient lives in Sutton Coldfield then most likely this will be done at Good Hope Hospital.The consultant neurologist will then perform a series of physical tests designed to look at strength and reflexes to see if there is any obvious weakness and then most likely order an MRi to assess the nerves and brain and see if there are any changes. In combination with these tests and the patient's history a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) will be made. Sometimes a lumbar puncture will be needed to look at the spinal fluid and see if there are any changes there indicative of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). 

What Professionals Will Be Involved With a Patient With Multiple Sclerosis in Sutton Coldfield?

There are likely to be an array of medical professionals involved in the early stages of a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis which will change as the condition develops over time. As this will often be the first experience a patient has of hospitals and dealing with medical professionals it can be very confusing and I have attempted to help by listing some of the people involved and their likely roles:

1. Neurological Consultant: this will be the doctor that makes the offical diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis and will be the doctor in overall charge of your case, although after your initial diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis you are unlikely to see this doctor much.

2. GP: in reality the doctor likely to have most involvement with yourself, especially in the early stages of Multiple Sclerosis, wil be your GP. They are the gatekeepers to other services and will be responsible for making referrals onwards and getting in other services such as Occupational Therapy.

3. MS Nurse: every patient with Multiple Sclerosis will be assigned a specialist MS nurse who will be responsible for managing their case, providing advice and adjusting medication.

4. Occupational Therapist: most likely in the early stages of Multiple Sclerosis there will be little need for OT involvement but as things progress often Occupational Therapy becomes a vital help in assessing needs for varying pieces of equipment and adaptations.

5. Physiotherapist: well obviously physiotherapy is likely to play a fairly important role at some point in helping with Multiple Sclerosis but in the early stages most likely it will just involve an assessment and a discussion about what is best to do and how best to manage things. Later on as the condition develops physiotherapy to maintain srength and range of motion will become more important.

How Much Rehab Will I Get To Help With Multiple Sclerosis in Sutton Coldfield?

This is a fairly common question from patients but in all honesty is not exactly easy to answer as NHS services are generally very stretched. Usually at the early stages of diagnosis once you have had an assessment by the neurological physiotherapists you will be discharged but allowed to refer back into the service if things change or you relapse. There is often a wait to access the service at this point and also as resources are limited you will usually be limited to 6 - 8 weeks of physiotherapy which is not a great deal to be honest when dealing with a complex and long-term condition like Multiple Sclerosis.

What Resources Are There to help With Multiple Sclerosis in Sutton Coldfield?

The level of help that you need with your Multiple Sclerosis will depend upon how it is affecting you but the following are a list of some useful resources to help you in Sutton Coldfield:

1. The MS Society: a fantatstic way to meet people in the same situation as yourself and discuss things. More information can be found here  

2. Hydrotherapy: okay, technically this isn't in Sutton Coldfield but it's such a fantastic resource I really can't leave it out. Walsall Council run a community hydrotherapy scheme at Oak Park & The Brine Pool. It really is a great way to access hydrotherapy and many of my own patients use it. I am quite an advicate of hydrotherapy and have written a whole blog on the subject here. For more details and how to book click here 

3. Your GP: yes I know this seems obvious but your GP in Sutton Coldfield is the main gatekeeper for NHS services and will know what is available locally and what you can access to help with yoru Multiple Sclerosis. So, it really is vital that you keep your GP informed of changes and what is happening.

4. Seated Exercise Classes: Obviously if you are currently mobile and walking then these won't be of interest but many patients with Multiple Sclerosis have great difficulty with mobility and balance and are unable to do normal exercise classes. A large range of classes can be found here

How Can ThreeSpires Physiotherapy Help Me With Multiple Sclerosis in Sutton Coldfield?

We can help in a number of ways and have testimonials available on our website, Facebook page and Google+ page.  Our chartered physiotherapists are all experienced at assisting patients with Multiple Sclerosis and are able to provide a physiotherapy service at home in Sutton Coldfield to anyone who has Multiple Sclerosis. Often our physiotherapists work alongside and in conjunction with NHS neurological physiotherapists to maximise mobility and function for patients with Multiple Sclerosis and our physiotherapists are able to liaise directly with NHS staff in order to reduce the burden on families.

If you or anyone you know has Multiple Sclerosis and lives in Sutton Coldfield then please get in touch to have a chat about how we might be able to help with recovery and physiotherapy. We can be contacted via email: or phone: 07884281623


Just fill in the form below and give us a quick idea of your problem/request so that we can be better prepared to help you. 

Alternatively you can call us on:
07884 281623 or email us at

At ThreeSpires Physiotherapy we aim to provide the highest standard of physiotherapy in Staffordshire and the West Midlands. Our services are available 8 am - 7pm Monday to Friday. Call Us Today on 07884 281623

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