As it is the beginning of a new week at ThreeSpires Physiotherapy I thought it would be nice to start by looking at a couple of new developments in the services that we offer at ThreeSpires Physiotherapy. I will be going into more detail about each of these at a later date but firstly let's have a quick look at each:
1. Physiotherapy at The Hawthorn's Care Home in Aldridge
We have recently begun providing a weekly physiotherapy session for residents at The Hawthorn's Care home in Aldridge. This is an amazing care home with a very forward thinking management who understand the importance of helping residents keep mobile. To this end our physio Maria now visits once a week to work with residents on improving, regaining or maintaining their mobility. This is something I have been wanting to organise for a long period as mantaining mobility makes such a huge difference to the quality of life of patients. Also as a physiotherapy service visiting patients in care and nursing homes it is clear that early and regular access to physiotherapy makes a huge difference to the chances of maintaining a good quality of life.
2. Staff Training at Barrowhill Hall Nursing Home
Again this is another really good nursing home with a very proactive management who wanted all of their staff in the home to be trained to be able to recognise and prevent contractures in their patients. We have recently run 3 sessions with all of their staff covering what contractures are, who is at risk, which joints are at risk and manual techniques and assessment of contractures. Joint contractures are a huge problem for patients who have become immobile in bed and once a patient has lost range of motion at a joint it is enormously difficult to re-establish this range.
Okay, hope you have enjoyed the quick update. We will be going into more detail about each of these developments in the next few blogs.
To remind anyone reading: we are a home visit physiotherapy service based in Lichfield and serving anywhere within a 20 minute drive including areas such as Sutton Coldfield, Tamworth, Rugeley, Cannock and Walsall.
Just fill in the form below and give us a quick idea of your problem/request so that we can be better prepared to help you.