Hello, once again and welcome back to our the ThreeSpires Physiotherapy blog. Apologies for the lack of blogs over the last few months but we have been incredibly busy with patients and getting our website re-designed. In this blog post I thought we would look in bit more detail at our neurological physiotherapy service that we offer in Sutton Coldfield, what it involves and how it helps our patients.
So, for many patients looking into neurological physiotherapy in Sutton Coldfield the first question would be what exactly is neurological physiotherapy? Well, neurological physiotherapy basically is concerned with helping patients who have some form of neurological condition for example Multiple Sclerosis or possibly they have had a stroke. Neurological physiotherapy is very "hands on" and aims to help re-establish normal movement patterns, promote independence and maimise the potential of each patient. To highlight what is involved with neurological physiotherapy it is possibly worth looking at a typical neurological patient as an example:
In this case our patient lives in Sutton Coldfield and has had a stroke recently, he has been discharged from hospital and although NHS physiotherapy is helping him, his family and he has decided that they would like to supplement this physiotherapy with our service in order to maximise his recovery. After booking an initial assessment our neurological physiotherapist will visit the patient at home in Sutton Coldfield and conduct a full and comprehensive assessment looking at his strength, posture, balance, sensation, co-ordination and movement patterns. This will then be used to devise a treatment plan and also a home exercise plan. Sessions after this initial assessment then focus on assisting the patient with movements, stretching, maintaining good posture, improving balance and working towards any goals that the patient may have.
It is important to note that although we have used the example of a patient with a stroke in Sutton Coldfield, this is by no means the only neurolgical condition that our physiotherapy service in Sutton Coldfield is able to work with and in fact we help patients with a wide range of neurological difficulties including: traumatic brain injury, recover from brain surgery, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Disease. We are able to deliver this neurological physiotherapy service in a wide range of settings including care and nursing homes and the patient's own home within Sutton Coldfield.
Our physiotherapists have a large amount of fantastic feedback on their work available to view on our website under our testimonials section or if you prefer we have feedback available on our facebook page here and our google + page here.
For anyone reading: we are a home visit physiotherapy service, based in Lichfield but serving anywhere within a 20 minute drive including areas such as Sutton Coldfield, Tamworth, Cannock, Burton and Rugeley. We offer a wide range of services including paediatric physiotherapy, post-operative rehabilitation, neurological physiotherapy and neck and back pain relief. If you need further information or would like to book an appointment we can be contacted on 0788 428 1623 or via enquiries@threespiresphysiotherapy.co.uk
Just fill in the form below and give us a quick idea of your problem/request so that we can be better prepared to help you.