As I like to keep the blog fairly varied and not just drone on about the latest topic in physiotherapy is each blog I thought we could return to having a look at the services that we offer in each of the areas that our physios visit. This time we can continue looking at our physiotherapy service in Walsall and more specifically the help that we offer patients with back pain in Walsall and areas such as Pelsall, Rushall and Bloxwich.
As physiotherapists we see a wide range of musculoskeletal problems in Walsall such as shoulder impingement and knee pain however by far the most common problem that our physiotherapy service helps patients with is low back pain. As such we have a large amount of experience of helping patients in Walsall, Pelsall, Bloxwich and Rushall areas recover from low back pain. Our physiotherapists are experts at using manual therapy techniques and exercises to reduce and help manage back pain in our patients. Below is a description what happens when we are contacted to help with back pain in Walsall.
One of our physios comes out to the patient's home in Walsall. This avoids the need to take time off work, attempt to finish early or struggle out of the house. A subjective assessment is then conducted which covers the patients lifestyle, past medical history, symptoms, aggravating factors and nature of the condition. This information gives the physiotherapist a starting point to begin the next part: The physical examination which covers posture, strength and bio-mechanics then occurs. This is a key part which enables the physiotherapist to identify and diagnose the cause of the patient's back pain. After this in conjunction with the patient the physiotherapist chooses the most appropriate treatment options which could include, joint mobilisation, deep tissue massage, stretching, trigger point release, myofascial & soft tissue release. A key part of recovering and managing back pain is self management and our physiotherapists are experts at designing individualised programs.
I hope that you have found this blog helpful so, if you or someone you know is suffering with back pain in Walsall, then get in touch, so that one of our physiotherapists can help get you back on the road to being pain free. We can be contacted via email: or via phone 07884281623.
Just fill in the form below and give us a quick idea of your problem/request so that we can be better prepared to help you.