Physiotherapy at Home in Sutton Coldfield
In the last article we began looking at our how we provide physiotherapy at home in Sutton Coldfield, the physiotherapy services that we offer and some of the benefits that our patients receive from having physiotherapy at home rather than having to go out to a physical physiotherapy clinic in Sutton Coldfield. In this article we shall continue looking in a bit more detail at the advantages that having a physio come to you offers.
As I mentioned last time, there is actually very little to be gained by attending an actual physiotherapy clinic rather than having a physio come out to you. Furthermore, as any honest physiotherapy clinic owner will tell you, the most important asset of any physiotherapy practice is the physiotherapists themselves! Having highly experienced, professional and personable physiotherapists who are able to relate and understand the needs of their patients is something that we pride ourselves on and is also clearly reflected in our testimonials.
What are the Benefits of Having Physiotherapy at Home in Sutton Coldfield?
So, to continue... what are the benefits to someone living in Sutton Coldfield to having one of our physiotherapists visit you?
1. Our Physiotherapists Come To You in Sutton Coldfield:
I can hear some people saying, "well obviously!!" However it is an important point to note that rather than the patient having to travel to a physiotherapy clinic and spend time driving there and back in pain or discomfort. Our physiotherapists will visit them at home and take away the need to get in a car or get on public transport.
2. Improving Accessibility of Physiotherapy
For some of our patients mobility is a major problem and they would find it incredibly difficult if not actually impossible to get out to a physiotherapy clinic in Sutton Coldfield. Often they are in great disomfort, getting in and out of a car is extremely difficult and having physiotherapy at their home in Sutton Codfield removes this obstacle to getting physiotherapy. Many of our patients in Sutton Coldfield if required to go to a clinic rather than have their physio come to the would simply not attend physiotherapy as the journey would be too arduous and fatiguing and by the time they had got there and back they would be exhausted. We also have many patients in care homes (either for respite or as a permanent residence) and we have often been contacted by a family member. Having a physiotherapist go out to meet them at the care home in Sutton Coldfield, talk to staff, assess the patient at the home and give them exercises and help there without the need to travel to a physical physiotherapy clinic in Sutton Coldfield is an enormous advantage. In fact for many of these patients leaving the care home is simply not possible and they only way they can access physiotherapy in Sutton Coldfield is by having a physiotherapist come to them.
3. The Physiotherapist Can Understand The Home Environment
So, clearly for anyone for whom mobility is a major issue our home visit physiotherapy service in Sutton Coldfield is an ideal solution but are there actual clinical benefits? E.g. is there an advantage to having a physio see you in your environment at home? Well, the answer is yes absolutely!! When working in a physiotherapy clinic you have to rely upon what the patient says is their actual home situation and set up rather than be able to see it for yourself. As a physiotherapist myself, being able to see where a patient will be doing their rehab and exercises is invaluable and helps avoid problems later on when the patient confesses that they actually can't do that particular exercise at home! Believe me this happens all the time when you are working in a physiotherapy clinic. As the vast majority of patients are likely to be doing any exercise program at home (okay some will use a gym but these are by far the minority) being able to see a patient's home set up and tailor exercises to match what they can actually do at their home in Sutton Coldfield is an enormous advantage.
4. Physiotherapy at Home is Likely to Improve the Effects of Treatment
Many of our patients in Sutton Coldfield are suffering with pain from a bad back that is aggravated by driving and after having some treatment on their back it is much better if they then do not have to aggravate things by driving home. Instead with our service their physiotherapist will have visited them at home in Sutton Coldfield and will be the one doing the driving.
What Kind of Patients Benefit from Having Physiotherapy at Home in Sutton Coldfield?
I think from reading the information above it is clear that there are definitely benefits from having physiotherapy at home in Sutton Coldfield. However a fair question about our physiotherapy service would be: "are there some patients who benefit most from physiotherapy at home?". Well, obviously my opinion is that all patients benefit from having their physiotherapist visit them at home rather than driving to a clinic themselves! However there are some patients I think that it is fairly obvious benefit the most from our physiotherapy service:
1. Patients in a lot of Pain
Many of the patients that we see in Sutton Coldfield are in a great deal of pain and have a lot of difficulty moving without causing great discomfort. For these people having physiotherapy at home in Sutton Coldfield is of enormous advantage both psychologically (i.e. they don't have to face the pain of travelling) but also physically as they receive the treatmet at home and can then relax afterwards.
2. People Short of Time
Now, I know that this could literally encompass anyone these days, as most people are very busy. However, some people find taking the time to travel to a physiotherapy clinic virtually impossible and therfore having physiotherapy at home in Sutton Coldfield removes this barrier to getting physiotherapy.
3. Elderly Patients
Many of the patients that we provide physiotherapy to at home in Sutton Coldfield are very elderly and our physiotherapy service helps them enormously in a number of ways. Firstly, many of these patients in general do not leave their home and woould find getting to a physiotherapy clinic in Sutton Coldfield difficult if not impossible and also many of these patienst have greatly reduced mobility and find it extremely helpful to have physiotherapy and exercises in their own home. Also, as many of these more elderly patients are unlikely to be going to a gym it is best for the physiotherapist to give them exercises that they can perform safely at home.
4. Patients with Reduced Mobility
Clearly for anyone with reduced mobility living in Sutton Coldfield our physiotherapy at home service and our testimonials both on Facebook and our website clearly show how well this works. Patients with reduced mobility have great difficulty in attending a physiotherapy clinic and by the time they have got there and back they will often be extremely fatigued and in pain. So having physiotherapy at home in Sutton Coldfield offers the ideal solution to this problem.
5. Patients in Care Homes
Many of our patients are residents of care or nursing homes in Sutton Coldfield either as permanent residents or for respite after a period in hospital. For these patients having a physiotherapist visit them will likely be the only way that they can access physiotherapy.
Okay, I hope that you have enjoyed reading this physiotherapy blog and have found the information about how we provide physiotherapy at hoe in Sutton Coldfield useful. In the next blog post we shall have a bit more of a detailed look at our physiotherapy service and how it helps our patients in care homes in Sutton Coldfield.
For anyone reading: we are a home visit physiotherapy service, based in Lichfield but serving anywhere within a 20 minute drive including areas such as Sutton Coldfield, Tamworth, Cannock, Burton and Rugeley. We offer a wide range of services including paediatric physiotherapy, post-operative rehabilitation, neurological physiotherapy and neck and back pain relief. If you need further information or would like to book an appointment we can be contacted on 0788 428 1623 or via
Just fill in the form below and give us a quick idea of your problem/request so that we can be better prepared to help you.